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Ted 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5/20-22 星期五、六和日




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I saw a part-time job opportunity on the department website last Tuesday and just gave it a shot. It was looking for translators in the Taipei lantern festival. I then, sent my resume and, quite surprised, got a call in the next morning around nine or ten from the company. A man said that he wanted me to have an interview as soon as possible, so I had an appointment with him during four to four thirty on the day. I was a bit nervous what the interview would be. 
              After receiving the call I came to awareness that I would probably have class till four thirty. The first period of the class began at 3:30, that is, I was destined to be late (LOL~). I got a call again as expected from the man during the class, asking “where are you now?” “I’m so sorry that I am still in class right now” apologized I. He told me that he wanted me to work directly today without interview and that I could take it easy. I still, in the end, left an hour earlier the class which probably lasted until six thirty.
            After arriving the venue for the festival in Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, I was asked to punch in immediately after I was introduced the basic information about the job just for a few minutes. My job was to stay at one of the information counters and receive visitors, especially foreigners. I was kindly instructed by the fellows what kinds of questions were raised often by visitors, and I handled the job pretty soon since it was such a simple work.

About my work time, I was given the right to decide the time I leave. Since the exhibition ended at 11 thirty every night, having no clear idea yet about the entire situation, the first night I stayed almost until the midnight 12. I got home completely exhausted around 12 thirty. Some poor fellows arrived at their home even after 1 or 2 am. So the next day I asked the senior if I could leave at 11 and he said OK. I was lucky, by the way, that I lived relatively close to Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, some fifteen minutes away by bus, though there were not any buses at all after around 10:45 pm.

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